Register your Chicago Card on Canon Printers

Register Your UChicago ID card

Registering your UChicago ID card will provide quicker service in retrieving and printing documents from the queue. Registering is needed only one time.

  1. At a Canon MFD device, scan your UChicago ID card by placing or swiping it over the scanner on the left-hand side of the screen or keyboard if the screen is detached from the device). You will hear a beep upon successfully swiping.
  2. When prompted, type your Booth user name and password to assign the card to your user account. Students, enter your CNetID and Password.
    1. The next time you attempt to login with your card you will not need to enter your user name/password, although you may login with your user name/password, instead.
  3. After registering your user name and password to your UChicago ID card, log out of the system.
    1. Press the Log Out button beside the screen.
    2. Tap the Log Out button on the monitor.