Wireless Network: Connect to Eduroam (Android)

The following instructions will help you set up your Android OS device to connect to the UChicago Eduroam Wireless Network.

  1. Go to your Google Play store on your Android device and search for SecureW2 Join Now app to download. Tap Install.
  2. Tap Open to launch the app.
    SecureW2 JoinNow Open screen
    Tip: You may get prompted to allow permission for SecureW2, select Accept.
  3. Select Search and Setup.
  4. You should be prompted to "Enter your institution or code:" where you will type uchicago.edu in the DOMAIN field.

    Press Continue. Your screen will display "searching for configuration."
  5. Select the eduroam option.
    Wireless Network Options
  6. Enter your CNetID in the Username field, enter your password, then press Continue.
  7. After entering your username (i.e., CNetID) and password, a profile for Eduroam will be created and will connect your device to the wireless network.
  8. Select Done. You have successfully connected to the network.

Note: Although our wireless networks are quite robust, wireless availability can occasionally be intermittent in some locations on campus. Please report these types of issues by completing the Provide Wireless Network Feedback form.