Wireless Network: Connect to Eduroam (Windows)

Connect to Eduroam

  1. In a browser, navigate to go.uchicago.edu/eduroam. The application website will detect your operating system, then you will be prompted to download the Eduroam app for Windows.
    UChicago Secure Sign In
  2. Select JoinNow to be prompted to download the application. You may be prompted to choose a location to save a file from a dialog box. If so, note the location, then select Save.
    Connection App Download
  3. Go to the directory where the file was saved and double-click the WiFi_University_of_Chicago_Wrapper.exe file.
    UChicago Wifi App
    Tip: Depending on your browser configuration, you may be able to select the executable file from your web browser.
    Alternative Download Location
  4. You will be presented with the SecureW2 application. Enter your CNetID and password in the Username and Password fields, then select Next.
    You need to have local administrator permissions to install the application.
  5. The application will proceed to configure, confirm your identity, then connect you to the Eduroam wireless network.
    UChicago Secure Authentication
  6. Select Done once you're connected to close the application.

Note: Although the Wi-Fi networks are quite robust, wireless availability can occasionally be intermittent in some locations on campus. Please report these types of issues by completing the Provide Wireless Network Feedback form.