Software Available to Students

UChicago has partnered with a range of vendors to provide students with free or reduced-cost academic and productivity software and tools. A list of these agreements is provided in the table below.

If there's a software package you think might be of common interest, but you don't see it listed here, please suggest it by contacting


Software Description Eligibility How To Purchase
Adobe Creative Cloud

20+ apps, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

**Chicago Booth students

Students Download directly at Adobe or at OnTheHub.
Allinea DDT
Allinea DDT parallel debugger
Researchers and Students Purchase not required; software package available on the Research Computing Center HPC Cluster website.
Autodesk Software Design and Engineering software; Autocad, Inventor, Maya, and others Faculty, students, and staff Purchase not required; Create AutoDesk account, using email.
Endnote Manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles Faculty, students, and staff Download directly at OnTheHub.
Intel Composer XE Intel Fortran Compiler, C/C++ Compiler, Math Kernel Library, Threading Building Blocks, and Intel MPI Researchers and students Purchase not required; software package is available on the Research Computing Center HPC Cluster website.
Mathematica Statistics and visualization software Faculty, students, and staff Purchase not required. Get Mathematica.
MATLAB Technical computing software for engineers and scientists in government, industry, and education Students
Current UChicago students may obtain a free Student License. Log in to MATLAB using your CNetID and password.
Microsoft Windows 10 Upgrade Students No purchase is required for Windows upgrades; download directly at OnTheHub
Microsoft- Office 365 Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word Students No purchase is required for Office 365
Minitab Statistical and process management software

Faculty and students

Personally-owned computers

Download directly at OnTheHub

Analyzes data using search, query, and visualization tools
Statistical and process management software

Faculty and students

Personally-owned computers

Refer to the QSR International website for information.
Overleaf Cloud-based LaTeX editor used for writing, editing, and publishing scientific documents Faculty, students, and staff Refer to the Overleaf knowledge article for more information and the LaTeX Guide.
Parallels Desktop for Mac Virtualization for desktops
Students (for personally-owned equipment)
Download directly at OnTheHub.
PGI Accelerator with OpenACC Portland Group Fortran, C, and C++ compilers Researchers and Students Purchase is not required; the software package is available on the Research Computing Center HPC Cluster website.
Qualtrics Cloud-based survey platform
Faculty, students, and staff
Refer to this Qualtrics knowledge article for more information.
SPSS Analytical software, from planning to data collection to analysis, reporting, and deployment

Faculty and students

Personally-owned computers

Download directly at OnTheHub.
Stata SE
Statistics and visualization software
Students (for personally-owned equipment) IT Services has three computer labs and vLab that has Stata accessible within the lab and also remotely.
CrowdStrike Falcon Antivirus tools Faculty, students, and staff Purchase not required. You may the software download directly.
Tableau Provide tools to understand and visualize large data sets

Faculty, students, and staff

Purchase not required. Submit a Student Request Form to the vendor.
Think-cell Microsoft Office Add-in Faculty, students, and staff Purchase not required. Download from the vendor, then request a key from

**A limited site license for Adobe Creative Cloud has been purchased for Chicago Booth students for the Academic Year. All Chicago Booth students have access to this license while they are Chicago Booth students. Chicago Booth students can access their licenses by logging into Adobe with an Adobe ID and password. Use your ChicagoBooth email address as the Adobe ID. Each student can install the desktop apps on multiple devices but only two devices can be active at a time (exceptions apply for Hong Kong students).

When logging in, if you see trial versions only, sign out of your account, close your browser and wait a few minutes before trying to log in again. Contact the Chicago Booth Help Desk at for installation issues.