Due to the large number of email addresses Booth provides and the potential for mail flow interruption due to email address conflicts and/or collisions it is necessary to establish guidelines on how email addresses are named. Booth IT wants to provide flexibility while still maintaining good organization and appropriate use of email addressing as to provide the most reliable and professional email service available. Email address standardization is an important part of providing this service.
Booth issued email addresses will be named, by default, under two standard conventions.
- BoothID@chicagobooth.edu (or @alumni.chicagobooth.edu)
- Firstname.lastname@chicagobooth.edu (or @alumni.chicagobooth.edu)
Booth IT recognized the requirement to deviate from this in some cases of special needs.
- Offensive translation- In the event the BoothID translates to an offensive (or close to offensive) term it may be changed with or without the request of the account holder.
- Name is excessively long where is exceeds reasonability or field length ability of email systems.
Booth does not provide the ability to change the core login account. This account is integrated into the root IT systems and changing it may result in excessive risk to the user’s access to critical systems. Booth IT can, in some limited cases, either change the email address or provide an alias for users that need a new email address name. These are done on a case by case bases and only when a legitimate business need is presented. Simple preference does not constitute a business need.
- Legal name change- legally changing name due to marriage, divorce, adoption, or other legal requirement constitutes a valid need for a new email named alias.
- Assumed name- in some cases (more commonly for international students, staff, or faculty) one may assume a commonly used given name. In this case a request may be submitted for approval to have a new alias for the assumed given name.
- This name must be appropriate and sensible.
- Nicknames- In some cases one may go by a common nickname. This does not normally qualify as a genuine business need. Anyone who feels their case warrants review may request the alias change, and it will be considered for validity.
Submitting a request for alias change
All requests for new a new email address name/alias should submit a ticket to the Booth Help Desk.